On the art trail: the sylvan horoscope

Which tree is your protector?

The Celts conceived a symbolic relationship between trees - the seat of the gods - and man. Depending on our date of birth, each of us has a protective tree.

Visit it on the Art Trail!

From the tourist office, head towards the town hall. On your left, you'll come face to face with a variety of tree species.
On your left, you'll see the first six trees (hazel, pine, lime, hornbeam and birch).
Retrace your steps, skirting the town hall, and head for the art trail.
You'll first see ash, then maple, rowan, beech, and finally willow.
Then turn around!


In detail

  • Distance: 0.9 km
  • Markup: NON_BALISE
  • Elevation gain : 42 m
  • Negative elevation gain : 42 m
  • Daily duration: 30 min
  • Type of route: ALLER_RETOUR
  • Nature of the land: Stone
  • Nature of the land: Ground
  • Nature of the land: Not suitable for strollers


From 01/04 to 30/11.


Free access.

Facilities & services


  • Play area
  • Picnic area
  • Public WC
  • Car park
  • Free car park


  • Pets welcome

Host language(s)

  • French