Show: Olala! The circus choir

100% false notes guaranteed!

Tessotte directs her circus choir with a masterful hand... despite a rotating music stand, too much adhesive and a trumpet that doesn't play like a stick! From chaos to the perfect note, she keeps up the pace! She falls into a wide gap, creates an explosion and ignites her choir with perilous vocalises. ‘Olala!!!’. Will she save the day?

Directed by Jean-Christophe Chapon. With Marie Teyssot alias la clowne Tessotte.

Organised by the City of Gex as part of the 2024-2025 cultural season.


Wednesday 26 February 2025 at 4 pm.


Rate Min. Max.
Reduced price (from 26/02/2025 to 26/02/2025) 5€
Adult (from 26/02/2025 to 26/02/2025) 10€
Child (from 26/02/2025 to 26/02/2025) 6€

Minimum age: 3 years

  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Youth chequebook
  • Culture Pass


Host language(s)

  • French