Arcanes show / Cie Krasna

Terribly impactful, documented, on the alert, Cie Krasna delivers its latest theatrical object at Le Bordeau: a deflagration, a caress, a demonstration.

Creation 2025 : Artist in residence
Warning: deals with sexual violence
Arcanes is a UFO-type creative project. A hybrid of theater and performance, it revolves around the nihilistic, forgotten texts of Nelly Arcan, the Quebec author who took her own life in 2009. Inviting the audience into an immersive theatrical diving experience inhabited by dazzling visions of the mythology of the "woman in love", Arcanes is an experimental project influenced by the performativity of queer-feminist struggles.


Thursday 5 June 2025 at 8.30 pm.


Rate Min. Max.
Adult (from 05/06/2025 to 05/06/2025) 24€

Reduced rate: 22 euros
Adult pass: 15 euros
Youth pass: 10 euros

Minimum age: 15 years



  • Booking obligatory

Adapted tourism

  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
  • Reception desk between 70-80 cm high
  • Site, building totally accessible

Host language(s)

  • English
  • French