P’tits Dej Spectacle – Thumbelina

Plunge into an enchanting world with Thumbelina, a poetic tale for young audiences, freely adapted from Andersen's famous story.

This unique, wordless yet emotionally rich show uses live projection of drawings in the sand, accompanied by haunting music, to tell the story of Thumbelina, a little girl born from a seed. Immerse yourself in a poetic, visual tale!
Cie Caminos


Saturday 7 December 2024
on Saturday at 10 am and at 3.45 pm.


Rate Min. Max.
Adult (from 07/12/2024 to 07/12/2024) 6€ 8€
Child (from 07/12/2024 to 07/12/2024) 4€ 6€

To guarantee a warm welcome, please reserve your seats with the CSC: online, by phone or e-mail.
(Adults 6€* / Children under 18 / 4€* for CSC members)

Minimum age: 3 years

Maximum age: 12 years

  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Online payment


Host language(s)

  • French