My grandmother is an adventurer

A tender and moving plunge into the memories and boundless imagination of a child, a delicate and universal show.

We all think we know our grandmother, then one day, because of a veiled wheel, we descend into the cellar and... in a jumble of magnetic tapes, boxes and notebooks, we discover that she was many other women. From Niagara Falls to the summits of the Andes, the wheel of a bold life spins before our eyes in a series of wild and inspiring epics.
What if our wheelchair-bound grandmothers weren't the wise women we imagine?
And what if curious little girls were to continue the adventure?
Somewhere between a puppet show and a multi-instrumental concert, a giant pop-up and a praxiscope, Racagnac presents visual, audio and historical fantasies, especially the wacky ones.


Wednesday 5 February 2025 between 4 pm and 4.45 pm.


Rate Min. Max.
Adult (from 05/02/2025 to 05/02/2025) 12€

Reduced rate : 10 euros
Adult pass: 8 euros
Youth pass : 5 euros

Minimum age: 6 years



  • Booking obligatory

Adapted tourism

  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
  • Reception desk between 70-80 cm high
  • Site, building totally accessible

Host language(s)

  • English
  • French