Maximilien Vuillard

Discover wellness in the mountains with themed hikes, yoga and guided meditations.

Combining physical activity and contemplation, this guide observes, understands, travels and feels nature and the mountains. He proposes mountain walking as a way to enhance well-being, recharge one's batteries and achieve personal fulfillment.

Guiding you through paths and forests, he helps you discover the subtleties of nature. Awakening everyone to the secrets of the mountains, he asks inspiring questions: "Have you ever paid attention to this? Have you ever felt this?"

Whether for individuals, groups or companies, attentive listening enables us to offer an activity tailored to each request. Activities include hiking and snowshoeing, wellness hikes, yoga hikes, themed hikes, children's birthday parties, fondues in the forest or refuge, orienteering games, EVJF-EVG, stays and itineraries.

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All year round.


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  • Cash
  • Credit transfer


Host language(s)

  • English
  • French


  • Group reception up to 15 people