Trail: Le tour du Crêt de Chalam

An emblematic summit at the crossroads of the Ain and Jura départements

The ascent takes you along a variety of paths that wind their way up to the highest point, nicknamed the 'Matterhorn of the Jura'.

From Noirecombe, enjoy the beautiful view of the Roche des Hirondelles and the Roche Franche.

The path then leads to Borne au Lion (Lion's Horn), where it is well worth stopping to read the signs explaining the history of this important Resistance site.

Continuing towards the Crêt de Chalam, the path crosses the forest before reaching the first step of the staircase to the summit (there are 190 more to go before reaching the summit at 1545m), from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Haute Chaîne du Jura, the Haut Jura plateau and the Alps.

The descent follows the ridge, passing the ruins of Grand Mannet. The path then follows the Forens stream.

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step: Please note : this itinerary is signposted for hiking and not for trail running. Leaving Chézery Forens, head for Noirecombe (yellow PR), the path runs alongside the Valserine river, continue on "le combet" then "fond des près" and "Borne au Lion". Pick up the GRP (red and white) for 200 m, and again follow the PR (yellow) towards crêt de Chalam. The climb to the summit is a 400 m round trip with 191 steps. To reach the summit, continue along the ridges towards Grand Mannet and Petit Mannet, then cascade de l'Etrès and Forens.

More information:
Before setting off:- Find out about general and local weather conditions, making sure there's no precipitation.- Find out about the approach to the route, its height, how long it will take to reach the summit and any possible escapes (IGN map, GPS, topo-guide, etc.).- Evaluate possible risks by asking mountain professionals, refuges and gîtes.- Inform someone close to you of your objective, and contact them again in the event of any changes: departure and return times, number of participants with telephone numbers for each, vehicle(s), parking, etc.- Avoid setting off alone, and use equipment that is suitable for the activity, adjusted and in good condition: headlamp, complete first-aid kit, survival blanket, etc.In the event of a problem, call 112 (European emergency number)..


In detail

  • Distance: 14.4 km
  • Markup: BALISE
  • Elevation gain : 963 m
  • Negative elevation gain : 963 m
  • Daily duration: 150 min
  • Type of route: BOUCLE
  • Beaconing accuracy: PR Marked yellow.
  • Tricky passage: Before setting off:Find out about general and local weather conditions, making sure there's no precipitation.Find out about the approach to the route, its height, how long it will take to reach the summit and any possible escapes (IGN map, GPS, topo-guide, etc.).Evaluate possible risks by asking mountain professionals, refuges and gîtes.Inform someone close to you of your objective, and contact them again in the event of any changes: departure and return times, number of participants with telephone numbers for each, vehicle(s), parking, etc.Avoid setting off alone, and use equipment that is suitable for the activity, adjusted and in good condition: headlamp, complete first-aid kit, survival blanket, etc.In the event of a problem, call 112 (European emergency number).
  • Nature of the land: Rock
  • Nature of the land: Stone
  • Nature of the land: Ground
  • Nature of the land: Grit
  • Nature of the land: Not suitable for strollers


From 01/04 to 30/11.

Subject to favorable weather.


Free access.

Facilities & services


  • Free car park
  • Car park


  • Pets welcome

Host language(s)

  • French